

6th March
Lionel was operated yesterday and today left the hospital.
He need to walk. The vet said he has a big muscle spams.
He is a hero!
Your support is needed.

4th March
Lionel will be operated tomorrow, 5th march, to his 3 brokens bones, in the Hospital Vet Set, in Palmela. We are sure that will be a great surgery. As soon we know the costs, we will ask your support. Thanks to alL

2nd March
We have the results of Lionel XR, very sad...

The right and left tibias are both broken and the left femur has an exposed fracture.Only tomorrow will we know what the first step to take. Lionel has no pain, he is super medicated. We are going to save this boy, he is now about 7 months old.
We ask for help. This case is very critical. It will take a lot of financial support to recover this angel. Well...

1st of March
Yesterday, sunday, march 1th, at the end of the day was abandoned this dog, of an extreme sweetness. He is doing now RX . Everything indicates that his knee is in a very complicated condition. Perhaps the paw must be amputated. There was tape to attach cotton disks to that area. We fear the worst for Lionel. It is not out of the question to have problems in the hip ...
We will do EVERYTHING for him, so that he will have a life with dignity and much love.
Update will be posted when we have news

IBAN PT50003507710001636053029
PAYPAL biancageral@gmail.com

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