

10th March
As you know Georgina arrived on 2nd March. Her weight was 14,2Kg. Extreme thinness...
She eats with a huge appetite. although she is positive for leishmaniasis, and other diseases, today, after 8 days, we saw her weight and she is 19,7kg !!!! She got 5,5kg in 8 days. Amazing! Blessed dog

4th March
If she could, she would spend all day eating. .. she is starving... It is impressive...
The blood results arrived and as expected she has leishmania positive, and also babesy and riketsy.
We almost can say she will be a survivor, but when the treatment for leishmaniosis begins, she can go down...
Here new photos a video. To all of you thanks

2nd march 2020
Georgina arrived today at Bianca Charity. We thank our ambassador Eunice Maya and her friend who went to pick her up in the bush where she was abandoned, and the two ladies who saw her yesterday and raised the alarm and also came to accompany her.
Analyzes were made and this dog has been diagnosed for now: brutal anaemia, renal and hepatic deficit, crusts all over her body, dehydration and extreme thinness ... she is very hungry, which suggests that she was deprived of food and drink. We are now waiting for the results of the analyzes for hemiparasites, leishmaniasis and heartworm. Georgina is about 4 years old.
We believe that her strength and the energy of all of you, she will save . But breaks the heart, she only has skin and bones...

IBAN PT50003507710001636053029
PAYPAL biancageral@gmail.com

Fundraising: https://www.facebook.com/donate/500380860873564/2896296570426461/

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