

The dog Rolha was the victim of a boar trap. He stayed for several days with his paws stuck. He was very thin. The right paw is split above the carpus. It has a splint. It was thought that it would be necessary to amputate one of the legs because it was in a very bad state...
There is every reason to believe that it will not be necessary to amputate the foot.
He had been hospitalized for several days with daily dressings. It was a struggle to save his limbs. He is a sweet, affectionate boy. He is already in Bianca and continues to make daily dressings.
We need your help to pay the two hospital invoices, for a total of 507 €
Thanks ♥ ♥ ♥

Paypal - biancageral@gmail.com
IBAN - PT50003507710001636053029

learn more about us - www.bianca.pt

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