
Orlando DIED.....

December 2010: Orlando was cured of sarna and became a beautiful dog but unfortunately it died in December 2009 from the problems relating to his intestines......

Orlando was found a month ago in Lagoa de Albufeira, obviously abandoned. As if by coincidence, a Saturday before a Brasilian family (father and two small sons) came to the shelter to "leave" this dog because he was sick. We did not take the dog, the space is always a problem, but we offered to arrange for the treatment at the vet (the skin disease he had was advanced but treatable) and pay for it if they would like to keep him. They accepted but a few days later this dog appeared abandoned not far from Bianca....
The dog has an advanced sarna, the skin disease caused by parasites that took months to develop to present stage. Who on earth leaves an animal like this, without treating it? These people have no heart.
It is a young dog, he is around one year old. Fortunately he does not have another health problems. We had dogs in a similar state before, nearly naked without fur and it is treatable. Takes long time but one day he will be a beautiful dog and will find a new home.

He is actually an extremely affectionate and sweet dog. He always cries for our attention always and he only stops when he gets it.... Only when he is eating we can not touch him, he doesn't trust. It is normal for dogs who suffered hunger, they are afraid to loose the food again.

We have started the treatment. he needs to go to the vet every 2-3 days to take a special bath. So all the time we need people available that could take him to the vet.

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